May Birthstone
Hi Byarters!
Today we are going to discover and know a bit more about the birthstone of May! Are you curious?
Powerful Emerald
The luxury and beautiful Emerald is the birthstone for May. This gemstone is a symbol of truth and love. But different people used to align the emerald with different powers. As an example, the Chaldeans believed the emerald contained a goddess. The Islamic faith, an amulet of an emerald might be engraved with a verse from the Koran. The ancient Egyptians believed the emerald stood for fertility. In China, Thursday was the day for wearing green and emeralds for good luck.
Who loved an Emerald was Cleopatra.
And of course, we have some products here at BYART with beautiful Emeralds, to make you feel more powerful than ever!
Enjoy the feeling with a powerful Emerald!