Curiosities about Reiki

Hey hey, BYARTers!

How are you feeling? Today we are going to talk about our loved practice Reiki. Are you ready to discover its functions? 

A little Introduction

Reiki is a healing practice that originated in Japan in the early 20th century. The term itself can be broken down into two parts: "rei," meaning universal or divine, and "ki," meaning life energy or vital force. Reiki practitioners believe that this life energy flows through all living things and that disruptions or imbalances in this energy can lead to physical, emotional, and spiritual ailments. 

The Healing Process

Reiki healing involves a practitioner gently laying their hands on or near the recipient's body, allowing the flow of healing energy to be transmitted. The idea is that this energy works to dissolve blockages and promote the body's natural ability to heal itself. While the recipient lies in a relaxed state, the Reiki practitioner acts as a conduit for this universal energy, helping to restore harmony and balance.

The Benefits of Reiki

Numerous benefits are related to the Reiki practice, like stress reduction, emotional healing, pain relief, spiritual connection, and also complementary therapy. 

Learning and Practicing Reiki

While Reiki is traditionally passed down from a Reiki master to a student through a process called attunement, there are also various levels of Reiki training that individuals can pursue to become practitioners themselves. These levels provide a structured framework for learning about energy healing, practicing self-care, and eventually sharing Reiki with others.

I hope we clarify all your doubts about Reiki! Are you ready to appoint your Reiki session now?


"Beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourself". 

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