Gemini Season
21st May to 21st June
What’s up byarters?
Taurus season opened up the path for our desires in love and abundance, and now that we have taken a deeper look on these subjects, it’s time to build the bridges that will connect us to what we want.
So, let’s dive into Gemini season and learn how to apply these astrological tips in our lives with Nai Tomayno. Ps. It's for all zodiac signs. 😉
What to expect from the Gemini season?
From 21st May to 21st June
Gemini is the zodiac sign that teaches us the importance of communication, learning the basics and keeping it simple, but fun. We must walk before we run, and Gemini shows us the magnitude and wisdom of the small things.
In Taurus we materialize, in Gemini, we express, exchange and most importantly: multiply and ramify ourselves.
Are you in a romantic relationship?
Now it’s time to talk to your partner and understand what is best for both and what options are out there for your life together. (If you are not and would like to be, this is the time to meet new people!)
Do you run a business and want to deliver the best in the market?
It’s time to talk to your customers and understand what else they need.
Do you have a job that you like but are hopefully waiting for an even better opportunity?
It’s time to send some resumes and build your network. Express your best and you’ll receive the benefits and acknowledgment for it.
Gemini season is the best time of the year to make interviews, give lectures and speeches, start a course, or study something. It’s not the time to focus on something that keeps your eyes shut to the rest of things, what we need to do is to diversify and understand that there are no absolute truths.
Our intelligence and mind processes will be on focus: reading good books, meditating, talk to positive people and the universe will help make us even wittier. Watch out so you don’t exaggerate about what is frivolous, mischievous and about getting bored easily. Focus and patience will guide us through. Socialization, happiness, taking up a new hobby, and spending time with friends (even if it’s online) will provide us with a light spirit.
What crystals are best for Gemini energy?
How to work with your crystals: you can place big stones on your front door to attract openness to your life, and smaller ones on your work table and on accessories to carry this energy with you all day long.
Our favorite crystals to work with Gemini energy are:
Green Quartz, Chrysocolla, Serpentine, Emerald, Chrysoprase and Amazonite.
Amazonite Bracelet
Other elements for Gemini Season:
- Regent: Mercury
- Day of the week: Wednesday
- Number: 5
- Animal: birds and butterflies
- Color: Yellow, green, violet
- Herbs: lemongrass and marjoram
Much love,