Cancer Season - Exclusive Ritual
Hello byarters,
We hope you had great insights with Cancer Zodiac Season Highlights blog… And the exclusive ritual is here again, let’s manifest good vibes together.
What do you need for this month's ritual?
- Lavender herbs or oil
- Eucalyptus herbs or oil
- 2 candles
- Crystal for Cancer (Moonstone, Amethyst, Pearl, Emerald)
The ritual:
Prepare a special bath with lavender (the herbs or the oil) and eucalyptus.
Light up two candles, and add the crystals from the season.
Turn off the lights.
Put soft music (we recommend jazz or classical, you can search for songs for “rainy days” for example)
After you take your usual bath, say:
I respect the past and what I learned from it.
I release myself from repeating the emotional patterns that hurts me.
I feel worthy of love and being loved.
With the help of a bowl, pour this infusion, and for each part of your body that you bathe, say:
I clean all the grief and sorrow from my body, mind and soul.
I open myself to love, nourishment and affection.
After your bath, take a piece of paper and a shell. Write a wish and place it inside or under the shell asking it to protect your desires. Carry the shell and the paper with some regularity visualizing yourself achieving what you desire. You can burn the paper when you accomplish it.
And that’s it you guys, we really wish you can make the best connections ever in this Cancer Zodiac season,
Stay safe and be happy,
Byart Crystals Team