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Health & Healing Crystals

All our crystals health and healing collection is here.

Based on the Merkabah, which performs cleaning and alignment.

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42 products


Aquamarine - Tumbled Stone
Aquamarine - Tumbled Stone Sale price€12,90
Clear Quartz crystal
Amazonite Crystal Amazonite Tumbled Stone - Crystal
Manifestation Crystals Ritual | Byart Crystals
Sold outPink Tourmaline - Natural StonesPink Tourmaline - Natural Stones
Pink Tourmaline - Natural Stones Sale priceFrom €14,00
7 chakras Set
7 Chakras Set Sale price€44,90
Watermelon Tourmaline - Mini Crystal BundlesWatermelon Tourmaline - Mini Crystal Bundles
Black Tourmaline Crystal - Rough stonesBlack Tourmaline Crystal - Rough stones
Heart Shaped Stones (Precise Cut)Heart Shaped Stones (Precise Cut)
Heart Shaped Stones (Precise Cut) Sale priceFrom €8,90
Morganite (Pink Beryl) - Natural StonesMorganite (Pink Beryl) - Natural Stones
Clear Quartz Crystal ClusterClear Quartz Crystal Cluster
Clear Quartz Crystal Cluster Sale priceFrom €25,00
Green Beryl - Natural Terminated StonesGreen Beryl - Natural Terminated Stones
Amazonite crystal TowerAmazonite Point Stone - Crystal
Amazonite Point Stone - Crystal Sale priceFrom €12,90
Sold outAmethyst - Purple Cloud - CrystalAmethyst - Purple Cloud - Crystal
Sold outCitrine with golden rutile Cluster - LemuriamCitrine with golden rutile Cluster - Lemuriam
Canga Rosa Pocket Edition - Special Rose QuartzCanga Rosa Pocket Edition - Special Rose Quartz
Green Quartz PointGreen Quartz Point
Green Quartz Point - Crystals Sale priceFrom €40,90
Crystal Grid for FORGIVENESS and GRIEF
Mangano Calcite - CrystalMangano Calcite - Crystal
Mangano Calcite - Crystal Sale price€45,00
Golden Healer - Hearts - CrystalGolden Healer - Hearts - Crystal
Super Seven - Natural StonesSuper Seven - Natural Stones
Super Seven - Natural Stones Sale priceFrom €93,00
Pyrite Galena - Golden Balance - CrystalPyrite Galena - Golden Balance - Crystal
Pyrite - Rubik's Gold - CrystalPyrite - Rubik's Gold - Crystal
Amethyst - Wisteria Cove - CrystalAmethyst - Wisteria Cove - Crystal