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Zodiac Seasons...?

A Zodiac Season is the period when the energy of a specific Zodiac Signs is prevalent.

It allows you to understand the energies of a certain season and to be able to harness energies, regardless of your zodiac sign.

For example: In Capricorn Season, everyone can experience the same energies, which remain constant. These energies are determination, ambition, and practicality. They define the season and are accessible for everyone to tap into. It's a time for anyone, no matter your zodiac sign to use them.

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Bijohrca Paris Fair

Bijohrca Paris Fair

Hello BYARTers!   We are very glad to say that we participate in the BIJOHRCA (The International Jewelry Show), in Paris from the 21st to the...

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"Beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourself". 

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